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All CollectionsRelease Notes
Latest Release: v4.0.8 🥭
Latest Release: v4.0.8 🥭
Updated over a week ago

New Features

  • Custom From Email Address: You can now send emails from your business email domain instead of the no-reply address (Note: This feature is not yet available for portfolios)
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  • Housekeeping Time Allocation: You can define default time allocations for each room type and clean type.
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  • Housekeeping Task Ordering: You can now drag tasks to reorder them, mark any task as urgent, and organise tasks by selecting a housekeeper and setting a date.
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  • Housekeeping Report: New reporting features to track and manage housekeeping tasks.


  • Google Hotel for Vacation Rentals: You can now manage your Google Hotel listings in Resly Direct+
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  • Reauthentication For Sensitive Actions: You are now required to enable two-factor authentication when you perform sensitive actions, such as viewing credit card details and exporting sensitive booking details.

  • 2FA Status: Admin users can now view which users do not have 2FA enabled on the user settings page.

Fixed Issues

  • Bulk Charge: Resolved an issue where you could add charges without entering an amount.

  • Manager Statement Display: Resolved an issue where the total amount was displayed as a question mark.

  • Email Automation: Resolved an issue where messages continued to be sent, after was disabled.

  • Resly Direct+ - Resolved an issue with amenities display.

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